
Earn 200$/day pocket money from home

make pocket money from home
Make pocket money from home

Everybody  is struggling to earn $200 a day from home? Have you gotten to the point where you are making SOMETHING everyday.....but can't quite get to the point where your business is profitable enough to quit your "day job" and dedicate yourself to it full time? Are you close, but yet still feel far away from the true financial freedom you crave?
If you said YES to any of the above....the good news is, you are NOT alone!
And, to be perfectly honest with you, congratulations are in order as well.....as most folks will NEVER earn anything online at all, so by virtue of the fact that you are making sales, you deserve to be proud.
The truth is, in my view, getting from $50 bucks a day to a 6 figure income ($300 or more per day) is simply a strategy of SCALE, and a shift in what you are selling.
For example, if you are selling five $10 dollar ebooks a day, you are earning $50 a day, right?
Let's say you are converting 5% of your traffic into sales at those figures. (a very high percentage, but for arguments sake, lets use it)
As things are, to get to $200 a day in revenue, without increasing your costs, you need to do one of 2 things.
Either get 400% MORE traffic.
Or - convert 400% more of your visitors. (which means you would need 20% of your traffic to buy, which is NOT very likely in any niche, market or industry in the world)
Or -
You can change the price of the offer. (this is the EASIEST way to double, or triple your earnings by far)
Here is how:
Let's say you change your $10 ebook into a 3 hour recorded product.
Using Skype, or an audio service, you narrate your ebook.
Maybe you add some parenthetical comments, and a few additional resources at the end as well.
Now you have a 2 or 3 hour instructional course.
And the original ebook, too.
If you change the PRICE of the offer to $47, and your conversion drops in HALF, (2.5%) you are instantly earning 250% MORE money. ($125 a day or so, versus $50, even with a dramatic downturn in conversion percentage)
The truth is, with NO additional traffic, simply by changing up the offer, you have transformed your revenue, and increased your cash flow by a factor of 2 and a half times.
The KEY to making this work is to continue to test, tweak and change your offers, and to consistently look for ways to increase the value you offer your visitors.....AND, simultaneously increase the perceived value, and the price of what you sell.
Remember, if you are truly offering value, selling one $1000 product, program or service is actually far easier, and ALOT less work than selling 100 ten dollar ebooks! (and this simple distinction WILL transform your business in 2012 if you apply it)
If you aren't making ANYTHING yet?
Very simple.
There are only 3 steps for earning your first sales, in just the next 30 or 45 days, 100% guaranteed.
You need articles like this one. 
You need OPT in's. (people who read your articles and subscribe to your list)
You need OFFERS. (like above...preferably of your own, or affiliate programs until you do)
Very simple, no muss, no fuss and NO gurus required! (And what you are reading right now is an exact example of this approach in action!)
Want the SECRET to earning  WITHOUT Tricks, Gimmicks or Guru's? Click HERE and I'll give it to you 100% Free!


Online business marketing

business online growth
Probably, almost all internet marketers aim to be on top. But with the tough competition with every respective keywords, there's no even a hundred percent guarantee that you will get page 1 on Google. Then again, there are still effective ways on how to achieve this on real virtual world and not just on your wild imagination. Google is the largest search engine which provides all the information you may need. When searching for something, people always tend to search on Google since data and important records have been stocked there. So the main reason why it's been a great struggle for every internet marketer to get page 1 Google is that when people search using a certain keyword, their webpage is one of the top 10 results that will appear. And there is a bigger chance that the link pointing towards their site will be clicked by the users. More clicks mean more traffic. Nevertheless, ranking on page 1 Google is not as easy as 1-2-3. Rather, it can be as tough as mixing oil with water. It is a cut-throat process which necessarily requires hard work, precise strategies and a long-term procedure that needs consistency. Without the right approach, all your efforts will not deliver results even you are making it for a long period of time. Nowadays, there are lots of automatic submission programs that make it easier to build backlinks, submit articles, videos, etc. But Google hates that, since they can detect if the link submitted is done by a software or real human. If you're quite adept with some of the keyword research, backlinking strategies and creating content, you are off to start your page 1 Google campaign. Better kick it off by initiating Google AdWords campaign for your targeted keywords. But if you don't want to pay for the traffic, you can do another line of attack which is writing articles which specifically target keyword phrases. Then submit the articles on high-valued article sites or even bookmark the link on top social bookmarking sites. Such strategies when complemented with publishing contents on web 2.0 sites, participating on forum sites and dropping in a link to your website will severely increase traffic to your site. Thus making it easier to Google to crawl your site and have it listed on their database. If by chance you are unacquainted of the different strategic approach but you still aspire to be on right track, what you may need is to look for best page 1 Google packages which offer certain services that will bring your webpage on the spot you wish for. But then again, result is not yet guaranteed. It's just about formulating a more efficient approach such as continuously building massive targeted traffic and accurate listings of relevant keywords. As well as the use of social networking, high traffic and high value sites and resources could drive more traffic to your site. But what is more important is that you let your page 1 google seo marketing done by dedicated staff who clearly understand your marketing goals. Normally, when you avail the page 1 Google services, the campaign is within the duration of one month. Though the cost is a bit higher than the other packages, you are assured that you will have higher opportunity of being on the top over your competitors. At Mind Solutions, we offer the best page 1 Google package with delivered results, increased in link popularity, generate more traffic to rake in lots of profits and make your rank even better. Need not to worry when we are unsuccessful to get you in page 1 on Google with specific period, its 100% money back guarantee. If you have more questions about this package, just visit us ainfinity websolution dot com today!

Search engine optimization techniques

Search Engine Optimisation
Search Engine Optimization

There are two basic elements to a successful Search Engine Optimization campaign – and understanding of your business and an understanding of the web. At first glance of course the above statement seems pretty obvious. But like all obvious statements it actually encapsulates a grain of truth not often properly acted on by the people that need to understand it. So, let's have a closer look. A Search Engine Optimization company has to understand your business like you do, in order to develop a campaign that works to push your website into the right market sector of the target audience. But it also has to help you understand your own expectations for the web – and (and this is the really important bit) help you modify those expectations to fall in line with the way the web actually works.

Bottom line: Search Engine Optimization companies know what is feasible on the web, and you know what your business does. Those two things have to dovetail properly in order for your online marketing campaign to work with any degree of success.
The SEO company starts by talking to you about what you do. It looks to get a thorough understanding of your market and the available niches. Then it translates that understanding into practical Search Engine Optimization techniques, which – sorry, but it's true – you may not always understand, or which you may even think you don't want.

A prime example of this is keyword selection. Most businesses want to optimize their sites for the most popular keywords. They think, quite naturally, that if millions of people search for the term "running shoes" (and they make running shoes) then optimizing for that term will expose their site to the millions of searchers. It won't, but it isn't the place of a running shoe retailer to understand that.

It is, though, the place of a Search Engine Optimization company to understand that – and then to make the running shoe retailer understand it too, because optimizing for the most popular keywords is like entering the Lottery. The chances against it "being you" (to steal a phrase from the Lottery's old ad campaigns) are massive.

If you optimize instead for a keyword that is much more specific to your business (adding a geographic indicator is one very common way of narrowing your market field down to a niche) then you are way more likely to come out on top. "Running Shoes Dorchester" is a much better keyword for a Dorchester based running shoe retailer. They'll only get Dorchester based queries, which is a much smaller number than global queries – but they'll get nearly all of them instead of hardly any.

The Search Engine Optimization companies knows this already. Its job is to make you understand it so it can drive your campaign down genuinely fruitful avenues.


Newbies success online?

With the web becoming more and more of a dominant force in our lives, people are starting to look towards creating online businesses. Known as "newbies" because they are new to the practice, many are wondering if it is possible to still make it in the internet business game. The clear answer is yes, it is.
What are the possibilities? Well, they are endless just like they are in the real world. After all, someone once had the brilliant idea of selling rocks in a box, the Pet Rock, and made a bundle. Never underestimate the willingness of people to buy things. Even in these grim economic times, we are a consumer society. If you can find the right thing to feed the beast, you are going to be in good shape.
So, where do you start? I've been in the business for over a decade. That may not sound long, but it is on the web. Having spent all that time typing away, I have a unique perspective on the best way for you to make money on the web. That way is to create your own product. Personally, I would do it in the form of an eBook. Why? The process is simple and you can get it up and on sale pretty quickly.
Ah, but I can already anticipate what you are thinking. "But what would I write about? Nobody is going to want to read what I write!" Wrong! Most people don't realize it, but they are experts in certain things. Seriously. Take the time to think about what you can do that most people can't. It is often something mundane, but fills a need.
I'll give you an example. I once dated a girl who was big on natural products. She hated the chemicals in commercial products. She decided to write an eBook on how to clean a bathroom without using the toxic junk you can buy in the store. I thought this was a waste of time. Well, it wasn't. Her book was a big hit and she really cleaned up. She didn't make huge money, but she made enough to live on and, apparently, upgrade to a better boyfriend!
The point is we are all experts in something. After 10 years, I know things about internet marketing that I take for granted that you would find fascinating. That's why I moderate a newbie forum. The web evolves so fast, however, that in two years, you'll know as much as I do if not more. So, yes, you can make it online even if you are just starting out. In fact, you might be better positioned because you aren't carrying around a lot of old, useless knowledge.

Online MLM Business - What Is Legal And What Not To Do

     Multilevel marketing has long been a source of income and criticism. While this is designed to produce maximum income with minimal effort, it has too often been looked down upon because some of the more unscrupulous players in the game. With the advent of the Internet, MLM spamming has grown more common and so people often dismiss the entire concept based on the annoying, frustrating, and failing aspects of people, who have lost their professionalism. If you are still wanting a great way to make money with minimal effort, then MLM is the way to go. You just have to know what is legal and what not to do. Here is a brief rundown of things to keep in mind:

Spamming gets you blacklisted
     Most of the time, spamming, or the unsolicited advertising for purposes of commerce, will get your email or social networking accounts suspended. It could also get your website blacklisted from the search engines and your business shut down permanently. While it takes more effort to find an audience, who is willing to listen to what you have to say, it is entirely worth it. Not only does it help you to avoid the negatives mentioned above, but it also ingratiates you to your audience and it leads them to do most of the sales work for you through recommendations and word of mouth.

What you can do
     Start a social networking account. Put a feeler out for people with the same interest as you. If you are on Facebook or Twitter, this is extremely easy to pull off. Once you've established the social networking connection, move them to your site. Do it in a manner that deemphasizes sales lingo and jargon. Set out to solve someone's problem, and genuinely care about them, and you are well on your way to having 1 customer that could lead to 100. The more times that you repeat this success, the easier it is to make a killing at multilevel marketing. In other words, instead of trying to blast your message to as many ears as you can, find the ears that will truly listen and respond, and you'll be rolling in the audience in no time.
The reason that so many MLM opportunities are labeled "schemes" is that too many people have an unrealistic expectation that MLM should be "get rich quick." When a certain amount of time passes with zero results, frustration builds quickly and from there, people give up. If you keep a realistic head on your shoulders, and you focus on the individual's needs, hopes, fears, and dreams, then you can avoid being seen as a scammer, and your message will resonate and change lives for the better.
Start your online business in the right path and choose the best web hosting services for your website.

Online business growing

    Anyone wishing to experience business growth in the current economic climate knows how tough the competition is out there. With e-commerce and other web-based business systems continuing to gain popularity Australia-wide, businesses need to engage in specialised online marketing solutions to achieve sustainable growth. Online marketing is no longer about spam emails and tacky web banners; there is now a huge assortment of online business solutions that can aid your business in generating interest and creating sustainable business growth.
    These days you will rarely find a highly successful business that doesn't have some type of web-based strategy, usually supported by an engaging website. With consumer behaviour drifting strongly towards online trends, your business needs a viable business growth strategy to entice your chosen audience. If you're thinking that a company website is the way to go, you must think tactically. Not only must your website be visually appealing and easy to navigate, it must be engaging to the user. You only have a very short time to capture the attention of prospective customers so there must be something on your website that is attractive to your target market. This means you must create a balance between aesthetic appeal and important information. It would be worth looking into visual style guides and interactive design principles as a foundation.
     So, you have a website that is visually attractive, engaging, and includes all the information you want, but how can you use this website to create business growth? Firstly, you need to lead prospective clients to your website so they can see what you have to offer. So how do you generate traffic to your website? There are many tactics you can utilise to drive traffic. For example, you can employ Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), where you optimise key words - that also relate to your products or services - on popular search engines. This is an effective and proven tactic to generate leads because when the keyword is searched, your website will appear first in the search results. This will greatly increase the chance of a prospective customer visiting your website and it will create business exposure. You will be their first choice, meaning that you will already have an edge over your competitors.
Minisites are also an excellent way to propel your business' online presence and are a driving force in a business growth strategy. Minisites act as shortened versions of your main website and are a great tool in directing traffic to your main website. Not only do minisites increase brand exposure but they can also direct a customer to your business when they search for a particular product or service. You can customise your minisites to target niche markets and therefore create a wider customer base.
So when you have a website and you begin to experience business growth, what do you do next? Technology, especially online, has a tendency to rapidly change. You must keep up-to-date with technology changes to stay ahead of your competition. A common mistake made by businesses is not updating their business growth strategy when necessary. If you wish your business to continue building momentum, you need to continually update your website and your business growth strategy according to what is working and what isn't. Your current clients will appreciate ongoing information and updates on your services. A transparent relationship with your customers increases your credibility and successfully builds on your online presence. This has a flow on effect that helps direct more traffic to your website and increases your chance of business growth.
SOS Development are specialists in innovative marketing solutions and web design packages that are specifically tailored for the needs of our clients. Our cost-effective methods have been proven to create sustainable business growth to ensure the survival and continued success of your business. We offer tailored and strategic solutions for your business that promise prosperity and a competitive edge in your market.
SOS Development can assist you with an innovative, cost-effective business growth strategy to increase your online success.

Paid to click: Introduction

Get paid to click is a marketing model in which a site pays you when you click and view ads that are placed in that site by an advertiser. There are three key players in the world of paid to click sites. First is visitor, paid to click website and the advertiser. Paid to click website act like and intermediary between the advertiser and the visitors. This way the advertiser is able to promote his/her products at a very low cost globally. Mostly all the paid to click sites are free to join.
paid to click
Paid To Click
Paid to Click is an online matter kind to facilitate draws online traffic from inhabited aiming to earn money from family. Paid-To-Click, or simply PTC websites, sham as middlemen connecting advertisers and consumers; the advertiser pays in lieu of displaying ads on the PTC website, and a part of this payment goes to the viewer after he views the advertisement. Even though advertisements are the largely widely recognized method in lieu of PTC sites to stay alive, much of the profit can be as long as from the complete sales of referrals or upgrade letters which are twisted by the vendor of all PTC place. Being well, about sites might apply for to facilitate their users remuneration an "upgrade fee" sooner than being able to cash absent their income, and at that moment not paying absent income in imitation of these fees are paid. Scams, although exposed on various PTC forums, are still sturdily used by newcomers who are drawn in to the websites by search engines. Scam PTC sites are recognized to catch the attention of spanking users with tightfisted offers in lieu of upgrades and referrals and disappear devoid of remnant in imitation of an unfriendly instance. Paid to Click is an online problem sculpt with the purpose of draws online traffic from group aiming to earn money from back home. Taking part in addition, the majority PTC sites offer a commission to its members in support of signing up contemporary members (similar to many associate marketing programs online), or they possibly will disburse members a percentage of the clicks with the purpose of their referrals promote to as an ongoing commission. Scams, HYIP although exposed on various PTC forums, are still a lot used by newcomers who are drawn in to the websites by search engines. Scam PTC sites are acknowledged to draw contemporary users with reduced offers in support of upgrades and referrals and disappear with no map out like a undersized period. Most get paid to click sites require you to keep the browser open for a set amount of time such as 30 seconds to earn money. While you can certainly spend that time browsing the clicked on site, and should, if it's something you like. A lot of people who use these get paid to click websites as a money making strategy do something else while they wait for their time to finish. The call is yours. You certainly can make some cash each month with get paid to click websites. Taken with the other income streams you create and take part in... every little bit adds up. Here you can find a list of veritable PTC sites.


What Is Affiliate Marketing and Why Should You Consider It?

Are you tired of your 9 to 5 job where you don't have any control over what you do? Have you always dreamed of having your own business so you can be your own boss, make your own decisions and work when you want to? If this sounds familiar, you should consider starting your own online business and affiliate marketing is the best way to do this. If you're wondering "what is affiliate marketing", you've come to the right place. This article will show you what it is and why it is one of the hottest businesses around.

Affiliate marketing is basically working as an online marketer to sell products and services for other businesses. Just about every business in the world has a website these days and they all need help marketing their products. Because of this, most of those businesses will pay you to market for them. When someone buys one of their products or services from your marketing efforts, you receive a commission on that sale.

It may sound as though this would be a difficult business to start because of the knowledge you require, however that isn't the case. Anyone can learn how to be a successful affiliate marketer because of the volume of training material that is available online. In fact, when you sign up as an affiliate for a business, they will provide you with the training that is necessary to get your business started.

One of the reasons affiliate marketing has become such a popular option for so many people is the fact that you get to set your own schedule. If you already have a full-time job, you can work whenever it is convenient in your schedule. If you have most of your day free because you are currently looking for work, you can spend all day working on your new affiliate marketing business.

If you are ready to start your new affiliate marketing business, the first thing you have to do is decide what products you want to sell. Some people decide to focus on a specific niche of products and then focus their marketing on just people who would be interested in that niche. Others try a broader approach and choose to sell a range of products from someplace like Amazon, etc.

After you decide what products you want to sell, you have to decide how to sell them. The company you are an affiliate for may provide you with training information, but it would also be helpful to do some additional research.

There are many different methods that you can use to market the products you are selling. You will need to decide what method you want to specialize in. Depending upon the way you want to build your business, you may also need a website as a part of your business. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need any specialized knowledge to do this.

Now that you can answer the question "what is affiliate marketing" you are ready to start your own business. Don't be intimidated because you don't know how to do it though, there are step by step processes that are easy for anyone to follow. You just need to make the decision to get started.

If believe you can succeed in affiliate marketing, then you're right! Visit http://planb-profits.com/ and grab your free ebook so you too can tap into this incredible market.