
Pocket Money alternatives

No money, no fun! How to get pocket money?

Girl’s expenses are different from those of boys and sometimes outweigh their. As your monthly budget that is offered by parents is no longer enough to satisfiy your needs, you should think of a way to increase your income.

having no money

Here are some options to help you out:

1. Prioritize your needs!
If the monthly amount of money received from parents is too small for what you want to buy, think first about the things you need. Make a list of clothes that you desire, accessories and items needed before entering the first store and throw money left and right. The basic idea is to save money until your parents will give you more.

2. Ask your parents for a “zoom”
We know how hard it is to ask our parents for money, especially because they know that our needs are not so expensive. Our advice is to take your allies before submitting the request to a parent. Call your aunt and grandmother to be with you and defends against parents, for not to give them alternative escape when they hear what you say. In addition, you can make arguments such as good grades at school, cleaning your room and the kitchen in helping your mother.

3. Do housework for a small fee
If you do not want to hire you because you know you don’t have experience and you want a flexible schedule, I found a solution to your problem. Help your parents around the house. For example, washing the car in exchange for a fee agreed with your father, is like having a "contract advantage" with your parents. You can not get everything for free in life!

4. Get a temporary job
Summer lasts three months and you are still wasting your time elsewhere so... Maybe it's time to help yourselves with money and you find a job. You can choose a part time job to win some pocket money. For example, fast food are always looking for enthusiastic young people to help in serving. In addition, it will be your first step towards independence. There is no shame to work, in the end everyone is doing it.

5. Help your colleagues
If you belong to the category of people who prefer to work with the mind, help your colleagues with outstanding materials to school. Papers or projects you can do for a fee. It is true that you spend some time at the computer reading, writing and researching for others, but motivate yourself reminding yourself how many nice things you can buy with the money you get ...

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